Success - it is all about you.


Let's get this party started


Now, once you have registered and to get you into the swing of things, please click on the HUB icon at the top of this page and start exploring and reading and seeing what we are all so excited about.  You can then move on to purchasing shares in some of the apps. that are available to us.  These are currently limited to just 5,000 shares and one can only invest GBP10 in each app, so be quick.  2021, and beyond, is going to be amazing for all of us in so many ways. 


If you are new to Frega, you are in the right place.  I am here to guide you in the right direction to get the most out of what Frega has to offer you. 


Frega for Beginners' is where you can pick up hints and tips about how the platform can help you.     


Check it out here :


Please click the 'Help' button and pair up with a consultant of which I am one.  It will not cost you a penny, but you will quickly discover what Frega has to offer.  


The Frega buttons are in different positions depeding upon whether you are on a laptop or a smartphone.  You will find the Help button is at the top or your screen if you are on a laptop.  If on a smartphone, click the top menu and choose Help.


Please click 'Hub' to go to the posts.


We now have Consultants that are here to help guide you around the Frega highway. 

All Consultants are free to use and they become your resource for help.

I am a Consultant and you can find me here - FREGA

Let's get Frega flying.


Of course, success can be many things:


  • The perfect house
  • A perfect love
  • A winning team
  • A triumphant win in a competition
  • Just being a little better than you were yesterday.

I will attempt to touch on how you can be successful in your chosen field.

Remember this:  You can only fail when you give up. 



Welcome to your new worldwide family - Frega.



I have a few Hubs which you might like to take a look at:

Please be sure to follow these Hubs by clicking on the sign.  

Success - (which is this one) I post a various amount of posts covering many areas


Classic Consulting - this is for my Clients where I can put pointers up to help them when I am otherwise busy.


Holistic Health - here I add healthy ways to approach life.


Horseplay - for those who love horses


Must Love Dogs - which is all about dogs.


For those who are interested in football my husband has

Soccer the World Game.   He would love to see interaction there too.


Remember that for you to get the most from Frega it is up to you to interact, reply, comment and become engaged with others on this platform.


The more the merrier. 


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